Joie de Vivre



  — 現代社會尋求一種斷捨離的生活方式,期盼居住行為與美學共存,在一切從簡當中,尋求富饒的精神生活。




Modern society seeks a lifestyle of minimalism, expects the coexistence of residential behavior and aesthetics, and seeks a rich spiritual life in all simplicity.

Flat design runs through the interior of the overall space. The black lines outline the outline of the door frame and the overall shape. The white lines are three-dimensionally transformed into geometric shapes in the same color background. In the method of minimizing the decoration, it produces rich visuals, and each space is exclusive. The colors are contrasted by black and white, depicting the unique temperament of the owner and enriching the elegance of life.

The open and bright main space replaces the traditional line board decoration with modern and neat linear and geometric elements; the entrance is made of a composite material of yarn to form a picture, which is used as a porch screen, and has the characteristics of transparent and non-perspective. To retain considerable permeability for the space, use transitions to divide the space of each area, with open lines of movement and clear movement, and a clean white and flawless residence, sublimating life to a level of elegance and knowledge.